I just had my son Ephraim evaluated by his aunt, who is a certified teacher, on Saturday.  The whole thing took about 2 hours.  I printed off the Florida State Standards and Benchmarks for Kindergarten and wanted her to see where he was at.

It seems as though I did a good job teaching him basic level things like reading, writing, addition and subtraction.  But now I need to take the lessons to the next level and start teaching my son how to use the information in a more in depth way – “critical thinking”.

Here I was thinking that my son was almost ready for 1st grade when in actuality he doesn’t even understand what “beneath” means.  He also has a hard time following two and three step instructions and applying addition and subtraction to life situations.

I bought $80 more of curriculum to help me with this task.  I found a new website called www.criticalthinking.com